Welcome to our family website. We are Louise Kurylo, Mike Dodd, Michelle Dodd, and Miranda Dodd.
In 2000 we became interested in astronomy, built a backyard observatory, and began photographing the night sky. Please have a look at our activities in this interesting and challenging hobby.
There's also some information on adoption you might find interesting.
In 2010 we built a round house 20 miles west of our former home. Click the left photo below to see the house construction or click the right photo to see the projects we took on after we moved in.
MirandaMiranda lives and works in Virginia. |
MichelleMichelle and her son Carter live in Virginia. |
Louise |
AdoptionLearn aboutadopting children into your family. |
HumorClick for smiles. Internet GrammarWeb and email bloopers. |
Astronomy |
Amateur RadioSee Mike'sham radio station. |
Model RailroadingSee Mike's HO scale Virginian Railway. |
Home MachinistSee Mike'shome machining shop. |